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Anahid Mosala, LCSW

Anahid Mosala, LCSW


I am committed to guiding each client to a space in which they can thrive in their lives.

My Therapy Style

Therapy is a unique and highly vulnerable environment that can be intimidating to navigate. I believe in the power and importance of first establishing a safe space for each client to create a solid foundation. I utilize a trauma-informed approach and empower clients to be the expert of their own experiences. My role is to provide the tools and support needed to reach collaboratively set goals. I pull from various evidence-based practices including mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to create a treatment approach appropriate for each client's unique needs. I am committed to guiding each client to a space in which they can thrive in their lives.

I have over five years of experience working with anxiety, depression, and PTSD of varying intensity levels. Additionally, I have extensive experience working with survivors of sexual and gender-based violence with a focus on navigating daily life, relationships, and boundaries.

Education & Training

BA - Sociology, University of California Los Angeles

MSW - Social Work, University of Southern California

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I have always been passionate about mental health and believe in the importance of having access to diverse clinicians. Mental health should be accessible to all!

What are your interests outside of work?

I love reading, dancing, traveling, and camping. I try to push myself to try out new things and explore new places regularly.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

I try to read a little bit every day. Sometimes it's just two pages, but it feels like a brief pause from reality.

How do you recharge?

My ideal way to recharge is to go to the beach with a snack and just enjoy the scenery. The feeling of the sand and cold water is incredibly grounding for me.