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Angelica Marshall, LMFT

Angelica Marshall, LMFT


I work in a collaborative, strengths-based approach where clients can explore all parts of themselves.

My Therapy Style

My style integrates mindfulness, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and somatic techniques. I utilize body-based techniques with traditional talk therapy to approach emotional obstacles from multiple angles. I work in a collaborative, strengths-based approach where clients can explore all parts of themselves. I assist clients in accessing inner resilience and clarifying personal values to live a meaningful life. People of all genders, sexualities, and relationship types are celebrated here.

I am passionate about the exploration of sex, sexuality, and identity. I also specialize in working with individuals navigating illness including chronic pain, medical trauma, grief, and meaning-making.

Education & Training

MA - Clinical Psychology, Antioch University

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I became a therapist to answer an inner desire I felt to be service to others and take action in my commitment to social justice.

What are your interests outside of work?

Some of my interests outside of work including cooking, reading, dancing, and spending time with my friends.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

One thing I do daily that always makes me feel good is taking my dog on a nice long walk.

What book have you read more than once?

A novel I love to return to is Commonwealth by Ann Patchett. The book is a sprawling, compassionate, poignant tale of a family which highlights our interdependence on one and other.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

Vista Del Mar where I had my first clinical internship for their commitment to serving foster care and at risk youth in Los Angeles.

How do you recharge?

Some of the ways I recharge is cooking a nourishing meal, spending time with my dog, going to pilates, and laughing with friends.

Do you have any pets?

I have a dog and I love watching him take off on the beach when he first gets off his leash. He's about 8 pounds.