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Coreen Lucero-Perkins, LCSW

Coreen Lucero-Perkins, LCSW


I believe in clients' self-determination, strengths, and innate capacity to work toward and develop coping skills to live a valued life.

Education & Training

BSW - Social Work, California State University Sacramento

MSW - Social Work, California State University Sacramento

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I became a therapist/ Licensed Clinical Social Worker as a second career to fulfill a childhood dream to help children and teens. While successful in my first career, I had a calling that I could no longer deny. At 38, I graduated with my MSW and so it began. The diversity of my career, from emergency room work, medical social work to providing therapeutic services to many populations, has not only satisfied my longing but enhanced my life beyond what I could have imagined.

What are your interests outside of work?

I enjoy traveling, family, music/dance, and gardening.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

Exercise and mindfulness/gratitude.

What book have you read more than once?

Mindfulness and the Art of Choice because I believe that most, not all, have capacity to live their full potential and values.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

The National Charity League, which is a mother/daughter national organization that focuses on providing charity services to local community organizations, such as homeless shelters, food banks, veterans, to name a few. My daughter and I participated for 6 years, and it was a truly remarkable experience. We spent countless hours at homeless shelters, providing day care, making sweatshirts for veterans, to organizing Christmas, Halloween parties for children and families. Moreover, it allowed quality and meaningful time between my daughter and that cannot be replicated. The bond is unbreakable. A truly magical time.

How do you recharge?

A good training class, Continuing education units never fail to inspire. Monthly massages, exercise, read and meditate by an ocean.

Do you have any pets?

I have 4 dogs, 2 Labradoodles, 1 Bichon, and 1 Bicha Poo (Bichon & poodle). They are constant entertainment. At 47, 36, 12, and 9 pounds, respectively, they are very busy, playful, rambunctious, and naughty. The most entertaining story has always been the relationship between my 47-pound Labradoodle and 12-pound Bichon. The little 12-pound girl is the matriarch and with it comes power to stop the 47-pound Labradoodle in his tracks. A toy is thrown, he enthusiastically runs to retrieve and abruptly stops, after making eye contact with the 12-pound matriarch. He debates for a mere second before slowly retreating.