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Gabrielle Dillard, LCSW

Gabrielle Dillard, LCSW


I take a whole person approach with an emphasis on the mind and body connection to mental health.

My Therapy Style

I utilize an eclectic approach to incorporate a combination of evidence-based practices. I understand we all learn in different way, and our journeys are all unique. My treatment approach includes providing a client centered, trauma-informed, strength based therapeutic style. I will work with you to determine which therapy models are best for you in our work together. I take a whole person approach with an emphasis on the mind and body connection to mental health.

Education & Training

BA - Psychology, California Baptist University

MA - Social Work, University of Southern California

Certificate - EFT/Tapping

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I enjoy working with individuals to empower them and heal. I love the idea of us learning and growing together while promoting mental health awareness. We are never done learning!

What are your interests outside of work?

My interests are traveling, the outdoors, music, and my pets.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

I enjoy nature walks with my dog. Spending time outdoors and in nature, along with listening to music of all genres is what I do for self-care. I also use the tapping technique regularly as needed.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

I am a volunteer with an animal rescue. I enjoy working with rescues because animals are therapeutic. They provide healing to us, and I enjoy being able to assist in the rescue and rehabilitation process for the animals.

How do you recharge?

I take breaks and vacations when I can. I enjoy relaxation techniques just as deep breathing exercises. I use tapping regularly as well.

Do you have any pets?

I do have a dog and during pandemic I made an Instagram account for my dog for fun. Through managing his account, it gave me the idea to create a therapy page! So now I run an account to promote mental health.