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Jessica Furland, LCSW

Jessica Furland, LCSW


While I’m learning about what makes you unique, I’ll draw upon evidence-based therapeutic modalities that have been proven to be effective in lessening suffering and formulating new habits.

My Therapy Style

Having a comfortable and relaxed partnership with your therapist is so important when exploring the raw parts of ourselves. We often keep these tender sides hidden and experience shame that we don’t “have it all together.” In order to feel ready to illuminate issues that need attention, we must be able to deeply trust the person doing that work by our side.

I’m compassionate, non-judgmental, real and a little messy – like all humans! I’ve been there too! While I’m learning about what makes you unique, I’ll draw upon evidence-based therapeutic modalities that have been proven to be effective in lessening suffering and formulating new habits.

When we have healthier ways of interpreting emotions and behavior patterns, our relationships improve, not only with others but also with ourselves.

Education & Training

BA - Social Work, Humboldt State University

MS - Social Work, San Diego State University

Internship - Inpatient Clinical Social Work, UCSD Medical Center

Internship - Outpatient Social Work, Six Rivers Planned Parenthood

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I have always been fascinated by people and human behavior. I also realized early on in my working life that it was important for me to be in a field that makes a real impact. Social work and therapy allow me to be engaged in ongoing learning in areas that I find endlessly interesting while making a difference in people's lives.

What are your interests outside of work?

I love to adventure! Hiking, jumping in the cold ocean, taking photos, and running are some of my favorite activities. I love curling up with a good book or working on an easy art project.

How do you recharge?

Time alone in nature. There is nothing more restorative for me than spending the day driving somewhere pretty and going for a hike.

Do you have any pets?

I have 2 cats! Bella and Ocasio. Bella is obsessed with finding my kids' Cheetos and Ocasio enjoys knocking things off the walls when she is hungry.