I have a varied background in treating many concerns including trauma, marriage, intimacy issues, and mood disorders, just to name a few. I take an eclectic approach and use a variety of tools to help clients, (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy being one,) a person-centered approach using warmth and empathy is highlighted.
MA - Christian Counseling, Oral Roberts University
I have always been drawn to help people with emotional pain.
I love to read, write, and pray.
The Gift of Therapy by Yalom. I love his approach to therapy and his clients.
I used to work at an agency that had a program called "Holiday Families." We provided gifts for less fortunate children, as well as Christmas trees and food for the parents. Dropping off the gifts to the families and seeing the delight of the children was unforgettable. Being able to provide joy to them and brighten up their lives (even if it was just for a day) was a life-changing experience.
Spending time with my husband and children, vacationing, and spending time anywhere near water.
If you or someone you know is experiencing an emergency or crisis and needs immediate help, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Here are some additional crisis resources.