My passion is helping families adjust to significant life changes. Whether you are entering into marriage, welcoming a child into your family, or realizing that it is time to refocus on your marriage, my goal is to help you strengthen and grow your family bond.
Building self-awareness is vital to any relationship between two adults or parent and child. Creating your own family dynamic and parenting perspective is a unique process for each family. It is healthy to seek support.
MA - Counseling, Wake Forest University
I have been a helper all of my life. When I decided on a major in college, I knew that I wanted to choose a field that would allow me to use my natural abilities to make the lives of others better.
When I am not working, I am enjoying time with my family and friends. I love to read so I joined a monthly book club.
I wake up earlier than my family to have quiet time to pray and center myself before the busyness of the day begins.
I read my Bible often. I have favorite scriptures that I reference when I need encouragement.
Mamatoto Village in Washington, DC is one of my favorite organizations to support because of the impact they have on African American women during pregnancy.
I recharge by taking quarterly staycations. I enjoy the silence and my own company.
If you or someone you know is experiencing an emergency or crisis and needs immediate help, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Here are some additional crisis resources.