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Maximiliano Ruiz, LMFT

Maximiliano Ruiz, LMFT


I strongly believe that all people have the ability, and deserve to, be well and happy.

My Therapy Style

I have been providing psychotherapy since 2008 and I am very passionate about helping people get well. I strongly believe that all people have the ability, and deserve to, be well and happy. I also know through my work in this field, and through personal experience, that all of us as human beings will find ourselves stuck at various points in our lives and that's when we need some support and encouragement.

My approach to treatment is to assist patients to find their own strengths, skills, and accomplishments and use those strengths and skills to get themselves through their current challenges. Although collaboration tends to be the best way to work in treatment, I know when to take the lead and take on a more directive role if the patient's situation calls for it.

Education & Training

MA - Psychology, Phillips Graduate Institute

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I worked in the mental health field prior to becoming a therapist. I enjoyed the work and saw how much I could help others get well.

What are your interests outside of work?

Friends, family, sports, and reading.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

I spend quality time with family, read, and although not daily, running.

What book have you read more than once?

The Fountainhead. I can see myself as the main character as I am firm in my beliefs and don't let things get in the way of me accomplishing my goals.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

American Red Cross—I donate blood as much as I can. I have had family members go through medical procedures and surgeries and they needed blood that was donated by their communities. I believe in paying it forward.

How do you recharge?

Spending time with my kids, good food, and running.