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Morgan Baker, LCSW

Morgan Baker, LCSW


Licensed in AZ #LCSW-20418
Insurances Accepted: Cigna/Evernorth, Aetna
No worry, concern, frustration, or hurt is too trivial to process and talk about.

My Therapy Style

My style of therapy is very inviting. I pride myself on providing a nonjudgmental space to share what has been on your heart and mind. No worry, concern, frustration, or hurt is too trivial to process and talk about. By verbalizing and externalizing, we begin to process together our experience and feel relief from symptoms that hold us back from stepping into our authenticity and growth. The feedback that I have gotten from previous clients after that initial session is, "Wow! I didn't think I would have been that comfortable," or "You were so easy to talk to."

Education & Training

MSW - Social Work, San Diego State University

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I first wanted to provide support to youth who may not have had a positive adult relationship, and as I had differing experiences with a wide range of populations, I realized that any person needs the space and encouraging professionals to guide them as to where to find the path toward feeling confident and empowered as well as to have a fulfilling life.

What are your interests outside of work?

I love learning how to play the guitar at my very slow speed, playing with my three wild rescue dogs, and treasure finding through antique stores and estate sales.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

Have "me time" every morning with my cup of coffee where I can reflect on my intentions for the day.

What book have you read more than once?

A Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl quite literally changed my life and my outlook on some of our 'perceived' challenges. This autobiography is about a man who experiences one of the most horrific aspects of human nature and how he was able to find and make meaning during and after his time in a concentration camp.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

Frosted Faces out of Ramona, CA. They rescue, provide frosted funding for, and adopt our senior dogs to loving parents. They even have a program called Seniors for Seniors, which helps older adults with some of the caveats of being a dog guardian such as helping them get to the vet, picking up their dog medications, grooming, etc.

How do you recharge?

I know this might sound silly or simple, but I am in tune and aware of my breath. Reminding myself to inhale and exhale with intention in between responsibilities and when I wind down.

Do you have any pets?

I have three gorgeous girl dogs, Maisy, Willa, and The Baby, all of whom are rescues. My favorite pet story is taking Maisy with me paddleboarding in Coronado Bay, she would swim like a little sea otter behind my board for a couple of miles and people on the boardwalk would point in amazement that she was such a great swimmer with bewildering stamina!