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Rebekah Taylor, LCSW

Rebekah Taylor, LCSW


I am a solution-style therapist that focuses on how a person can rediscover their true sense of self and purpose.

My Therapy Style

I am a solution-style therapist that focuses on how a person can rediscover their true sense of self and purpose. I start where the client is at and we build on that together. Starting therapy is like starting a hike you have never been on. Sure there will be some uphills and you are not sure how long it will last or how tired you will get. But this hike is one we take together. I have brought plenty of water and snacks and we will make it to the top, and the view will be worth it!

I have worked with; substance users, people who are unhoused, victims of trauma, families experiencing trauma, LGBTQ+, refugees, and many other types of issues individuals experience in life. I appreciate what others undergo and I personally consider it an honor to sit across from someone and promote healthy choices and give validation and reassurance for their desire to improve their life.

Education & Training

MSW - Social Work, University of Missouri

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I became a mental health professional to assess and assist others in their journey to find their true sense of self and stabilize their life for the better. I have had a passion for serving others for as long as I can remember and I value giving all that I can to others to support and encourage the betterment of our society.

What are your interests outside of work?

I love the outdoors and my hobbies are snowboarding, paddleboarding, hiking, and traveling.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

Making sure I drink plenty of water and go outside and get some valuable Vitamin D from mother nature.

What book have you read more than once?

The Alchemist. Easily my favorite book. I've read it so many times that it's all worn out now. That story has everything; traveling, love, discovering a sense of self and belonging, finding where a person belongs in life, and securing their purpose.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

Boys and Girls Club. That was my very first internship in college and through their organization, I was able to see how much value and impact we all can have on children and how vital that organization is to communities.

How do you recharge?

When I need a minimal recharge it can be just a little walk outside or work out at the gym. However, when I need a bigger recharge I need my best friend and one of our multi-year vacations together. Usually, those look like overnight kayaking trips, road trips, 10+ mile hikes, or jumping on a plane and adventuring to a new place.

Do you have any pets?

In August 2023, I adopted a Cattle Dog rescue puppy. He has been an amazing addition to my life and it's my goal to make this little dog's life as incredible as I can. His name is Copper and my goal is to get him certified as a therapy dog. I feel all animals could be therapeutic if we view them that way, but I believe everyone could love him and he could help others feel more comfortable in sessions. Copps is my special little guy and I will very often be seen wearing a t-shirt with his face on it or his face as a sticker on my snowboarding helmet.