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Ruby Rosas Ruiz, LCSW

Ruby Rosas Ruiz, LCSW


One of my goals as your therapist is to have you feel in charge of how you respond and how you conduct your life.

My Therapy Style

My approach to therapy is that this is a path to recovery that involves the mind, body, and soul. Therapy is not a one-stop shop; it is hard work. I will help you master a variety of techniques. One of my goals as your therapist, is to have you feel in charge of how you respond and how you conduct your life. I help you do this by learning to become aware of your inner experience and learning to befriend what is going on inside of yourself. I truly believe that therapy is a collaborative process where you need to feel 100% comfortable with your therapist.

Education & Training

MSW - Social Work, California State University Long Beach

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I became a liscensed clinical social worker thanks to an internship experience in the Masters program. I originally wanted to pursue a career in Child Welfare. For my first-year internship, I was placed at a local clinic that serves mostly Latino and the immigrant farmworker population. This was my first exposure to therapy, and I connected immediately. The magic that happens when a therapist and a client connect and form a therapeutic alliance. I was hooked.

What are your interests outside of work?

Most of my time is spent with my family and loved ones.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

I pray daily. I pray for myself and I pray for others. It helps ground me, gives me strength, and peace.

What book have you read more than once?

Los Cuatro Acuerdos, Don Miguel Ruiz. Each time I read it, each agreement means something different.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

I support my local Catholic Church.

How do you recharge?

My family recharges me.

Do you have any pets?

I used to have a dog. He passed away last year. It was my first dog ever. Fun fact, he was a street dog, and we never named him. So for the 14 years he lived with us we called him "Puppy/Perrito".